K e n  H o c h f e l d
 All Rights Reserved
Ken Hochfeld ©2023

Basalt Rock Face Near Spray, Oregon 2018
Lake Owyhee, Oregon  2018
F i n e  A r t  P h o t o g r a p h y
Terry Toedtemeier comes to the minds of the Pacific Northwest photographers who think about photographs of basalt.  Terry's love for the land, knowledge of geology, and his personal expressions have had a meaningful impact on me as an artist.  This work represents a tribute to a friendship I regrettably never experienced.
Others have written about rocks in ways that best describe my thoughts while making this collection of photos:

"I take another look at the stone, run my fingertip over the meticulous brushstrokes, and realize that nothing ever returns to time unless it is stored in mute, voiceless objects; rocks do tell tales after all."
Stefan Hertmans (War and Turpentine)

"Everything dreams. The play of form, of being, is the dreaming
of substance. Rocks have their dreams, and the earth changes...."
Ursula LaGuin (The Lathe of Heaven)

With this work I hope to share the pure artistry, the form, the brushstrokes, and the various tales and dreams of Rock(s) for us all to imagine.  I like to think Terry would have approved.

Cape Horn After Carleton Watkins, Lily White and Arthur H. Marshall 2022
Historic Columbia River Highway at Rowena Crest, Oregon  2022
Cape Horn Columbia River Gorge Washington
Columbia River Gorge Basalt
Cape Horn Columbia River,Oregon
Cape Horn Columbia River, Washingtioon
Seal Rock  2024

Fort Rock  2023
Oregon Basalt Cascade Lakes Highway  2023
Fort Rock  2023
Columbia River Gorge, Washington   2022